Thursday, 29 September 2011

And the doctor said...

Just an update...
Last night Diana took me to the doctor, and I was told I have pharyngitis and bad bronchitis. Oh dear. What a great start to my Peru adventure!
I need a few days off school, but hopefully I will be feeling better again by Monday.
Thanks for your prayers. xx

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

First day of school!

Yes, first day of school...was actually on Monday! Sorry this is a bit late. At the moment I'm having a day off (already?!) because I have not been very well. I came back from Scotland to the States with a cold, and I brought it to Peru, where it grew again. It's mainly a bad cough, probably a result of a change in climate and the terrible pollution of Lima's air. Diana is going to take me to the doctor later this afternoon.

I really enjoyed my first day of school in Colegio San Andres, really and truly. School starts at 7:45 (back to those early morning starts after the treat of being in Aberdeen for two years, where uni could start at 3 in the afternoon...). The secondary school students have their assembly at 8, and I was introduced there. A little later is the primary assembly, during which I assisted in presenting certificates to lots of children who had participated in various activities. The custom here seems to be to greet one another with a cheek-to-cheek kiss, so as I gave each child his/her certificate I received a kiss!! I don't think I've ever been kissed by so many people in one day! :-)

Clive, the headmaster, gave me a tour of the school in the morning and introduced me to hundreds of people, whose names I can't remember. I was helping in Catriona MacDonald's 4th grade English class in the afternoon. They are beautiful children, and their English is very good for their age. Two girls drew some 'Welcome, Miss Meg(g)an!' cards with (flattering?) portraits of myself on them! How sweet!

One boy introduced himself to me as Aron. A few minutes later he asked me my name again, and after I told him, I said, 'Y cual es tu nombre? Atun?' ('And what is your name? Tuna?'). OOPS. My hand hit forehead then as I realised I had called the 'pobrecito' a fish...hahahaha...ah well, what are we here for but to make sport for our neighbours and laugh at them in our turn? :-) Doesn't anyone else think Aron and Atun are quite similar...?

After school a group of us went out to a nice cafe to celebrate the birthday of an English teacher, Veronica. I ordered a wonderful fruit salad that came with yogurt, honey, and granola - yummmm! I have really enjoyed meeting the teachers and auxiliaries of the school; everyone is so friendly. I am getting plenty of practice with my Spanish!

My hostess Diana is lovely. She works as the school secretary, and is a really kind-hearted Christian lady. Her son Daniel will turn 14 soon, and he is a nice chap too. It is a blessing to be in their home. They also have a pet mini turtle called Burocracia! He is such a funny little thing, and I love watching him.

On Sunday after church I saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time! Amazing! There were a lot of paragliders out, which was fascinating to watch. We met up with MC and Eric at the coast, and it has been great to see MC's familiar face and to meet Eric.

Thanks for your emails and comments and prayers. Please continue to pray for my settling in and for my restoration to good health. :-)
 My bedroom in Diana and Daniel's apartment. There's no carpet!!!
 The view from my bedroom window. There is a very noisy school just below me.
 Burocracia, the funny little turtle!
 Pacific Ocean and paraglider.
 Yours truly at the ocean. :-)
 Diana, Daniel, MC and Eric at the coast.
The group of ladies from Colegio San Andres, celebrating Veronica's birthday.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

First Impressions of Lima

Buenas tardes!
I've been having a relaxing morning, just reading the history of Colegio San Andres where I'll be volunteering for the next few months.! Where do I begin? The very first thing that struck me as soon as I stepped out of the airport was the smell, but thankfully I don't notice it where I'm living. The city is really noisy - people are always honking their car horns, whistles are blowing, people are shouting. As I write, there is some large gathering in the park opposite the apartment, and there is cheering and someone on a loudspeaker. I think Diana and I are going to see what's happening over there once we've had lunch.
The driving in the city is CRAZY. I mean, the roads have lanes marked on them, but that doesn't seem to mean anything to the drivers! I've been in a few taxis already, and it's not for the fainthearted. :-) With cars darting around each other with only a few inches to spare on all sides, the only thing you can do is honk to let the person right next to you know that he can't, in fact, come into your space while you're still sitting there.
I have yet to see the historic centre of Lima, but I hope very much to venture there soon.
My volunteering starts on Monday, bright and early. Please be in prayer for the beginning of my work in Colegio San Andres and for my continued growth in understanding and speaking Spanish. Gracias! :-)

Friday, 23 September 2011

A Prologue

Dear all,
Praise the Lord that I have arrived safely in Lima, Peru! I am staying with Diana and her son Daniel in their apartment. Today, so far, has been a day of unpacking and settling in. I hope, as the months go by, to keep you up to date with what I get up to and to show you photos too.
Keep me in your prayers, please. I'll be in touch soon! :-)
Love, Megan