Saturday, 24 September 2011

First Impressions of Lima

Buenas tardes!
I've been having a relaxing morning, just reading the history of Colegio San Andres where I'll be volunteering for the next few months.! Where do I begin? The very first thing that struck me as soon as I stepped out of the airport was the smell, but thankfully I don't notice it where I'm living. The city is really noisy - people are always honking their car horns, whistles are blowing, people are shouting. As I write, there is some large gathering in the park opposite the apartment, and there is cheering and someone on a loudspeaker. I think Diana and I are going to see what's happening over there once we've had lunch.
The driving in the city is CRAZY. I mean, the roads have lanes marked on them, but that doesn't seem to mean anything to the drivers! I've been in a few taxis already, and it's not for the fainthearted. :-) With cars darting around each other with only a few inches to spare on all sides, the only thing you can do is honk to let the person right next to you know that he can't, in fact, come into your space while you're still sitting there.
I have yet to see the historic centre of Lima, but I hope very much to venture there soon.
My volunteering starts on Monday, bright and early. Please be in prayer for the beginning of my work in Colegio San Andres and for my continued growth in understanding and speaking Spanish. Gracias! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Megan, We are so glad that you made it safely to your destination! Now let the adventures begin!! (I tend to agree with April). Dan says that this may be Benjamin's favorite blog but it's the ONLY blog Dan has ever seen or even heard of so it's his favorite too!! :-) We love you and are praying for you!! deb
