Today a group of us from Colegio San Andres went to a part of the city (about 1 and 1/2 hours from the's on the outskirts) called Pachacutec. It's a very poor area. The housing is basic, and the only attractive thing about the place is its position on the coast. There are dogs covered in fleas wandering around, and the roads aren't necessarily paved. It's so desert-like too.
There is a small Presbyterian church in this district, and it was to the children of this church's Sunday School that we were giving gifts. Of course, there are often children who come to these San Andres visits who are not associated with the church - they just want the presents! - but there was a good group of children of all ages waiting for us when we arrived.
The 4th and 5th year prefects in secondary, the chaplain Juan Jose, another teacher Carlos, the Baileys, Jodie and myself were those who went on the trip. The students had prepared a short programme, with quiz, games and a play. They did really well, and the children were full of energy and excitement. Then the school chaplain Pastor Juan Jose gave a brief message about the Christmas story and about how God does miracles and changes people's lives. After all these activities, the children were called out one by one to receive their Christmas gift.
The gifts were toys and clothes that had been donated by San Andres children, parents, teachers and volunteers. They were all wrapped in Christmas paper, which made it even more exciting! The children opened their presents as soon as they got them - who would wait?!
It was lovely to see their reactions and have an opportunity to talk to them and give them a cuddle. Some of them are in such sad circumstances and have some problems that most children would have seen to immediately. As much as I loved going there and being with them, it was very sobering. It makes my complaints about a lukewarm shower seem so petty. It's good to have something like that to put my life and comforts in perspective. Please pray for these children and their families. Pray also for the church there, that it would have a good influence in that area.
From the bus, on the journey upwards to Pachacutec. Basic housing in the desert. |
The Pachacutec children, waiting for their Christmas presents! |
With a sweet little girl called Darma. |
The San Andres students who presented a programme for the children. |
Little Stefanie was thrilled with her baby doll! |
Our group outside the church. |
What a wonderful experience!