Yesterday there was a little more excitement for me at school because two students who couldn't speak Spanish came to take entrance exams. They had moved from Canada (though that wasn't their country of birth), so they could speak English. I was drafted in to do some translation work for them, and I really enjoyed it! I was reading the texts and questions in Spanish in my mind and simultaneously translating vocally into English for the students. Then I had to translate their written answers into Spanish for the teachers to mark. It was challenging and both humbling and encouraging. And it was certainly preferable to sitting at the matriculation desk, waiting for parents to fill in forms! If I didn't know before, I know now that sitting at a desk and doing administrative work is not for me. I am glad I can be of assistance in the school, though. Tomorrow is my last day, and I will be packing my belongings up over the weekend.
Last Sunday I tried a new fruit, and I couldn't resist posting a couple of photos because it's just so...different from any fruit I've eaten before. It's called granadilla and its innards are not at all appealing to the eye. The words 'brain' and 'fish eggs' and 'slime' come to mind when looking at it. But I finally worked up the courage to try it, and it's very tasty! Slimy but satisfying, as one great Disney character once remarked. :-)
The very innocent-looking granadilla's exterior... |
...and the rather off-putting but tasty innards! |
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