Friday, 23 December 2011

On second thoughts...I will blog something!

After saying last night that I wasn't going to blog during my hols, I have decided to fill you in on the happenings of my last few days in Lima. Then, I won't blog any more!

Last Saturday night I took Diana and Daniel out for a meal to Chili's in Larcomar. We had a lovely meal and a great time together. I am very appreciative of the kindness they've shown me these past 3 months and of the sacrifices they've made to have me in their home. I ate those wonderful fajita quesadillas in Chili's; I eat them every time I go to that restaurant. Creature of habit. :-)

And Monday night was the graduation of the 5th years from Colegio San Andres. It was a loooooong meeting, but it was nicely done. There were 55 graduates, and they wore the San Andres caps and gowns. It took long enough with 55 graduates...just as well there weren't 350+ like there were in my high school graduation...groan. Lots of prize givings and speeches and this, that and the next thing. But it was good to see it, and I wish them all the best.

My farewells weren't too sad, as I will be returning to Lima in January.

At the moment, though, I am enjoying being at home with my family and spending time with Benjamin. My friend Hannah arrived today to spend the next 10 days with us. We're planning a trip to NYC next week! Yay!

Happy Christmas!

Chili's!!! With Daniel and Diana.

La Promocion 2011

Catriona and myself after the graduation

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Back in the States

Just wanted to let you know that I arrived safely back in Carlisle, PA, in the early hours of Wednesday morning. I am very happy to be back at home with Mum and Dad and Caitriona (who arrived the day before me from Glasgow) and Benjamin. :-)

I won't be blogging during the hols unless I have anything really important to say! So, here's hoping you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year, celebrating the birth of our Saviour.

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo!

Friday, 16 December 2011

4 days to go...

I am only 4 days short of completing my first spell in Peru. It's hard to believe it's here already, and that's partly because the weather is so hot and un-December-like. But the time has also gone quite slowly, and I'm very ready to go home for Christmas. I'll have about 4 weeks to enjoy an English-speaking environment (albeit American English...oh well...can't have everything, can we?!) and all the wonderful things about being in my house with my family and piano and familiar food. :-)

The students have not had classes this week, although some of them have been in for various prize givings and meetings and resit exams. Since I am not a teacher, I don't have all the paperwork that the others have to complete; but I've been given some odd jobs to do in the past few days. Today I was sneezing my way through the English library books, arranging and making a catalogue of all the copies.

I've also been getting lots of Christmas shopping done. In one way, it's quite easy this year because everyone is just getting something Peruvian! But I still manage to hum and haw over every little thing and do the typically Scottish 'well, I'll think about it' response to the incessant advances of the eager shopkeepers. There are so many lovely things that I would love to bring to people, but I need to keep my space and weight limits in mind. I saw a massive toy llama with real fur in one little shop this's SO soft...beautiful! But it would've cost a lot of money. And taken up a seat of its own on the plane. Oh well.

Last Friday and last night the choir performed some Christmas pieces - at school and then in Larcomar (the really nice and posh place with shops and food court by the coast). There is so much stress in trying to get the group all organised and sounding nice, especially in a culture where organisation and time-keeping are not priorities. I do all the panicking for the whole group. :-) I won't say any more about it...

On Tuesday Rachel and I joined the 5th year trip to a camp place, just for the day. We sat by the pool and attempted a safe and mosquito-repelling sunbathe. Hmm. It didn't work. I'm still bright white. We went in the pool (yes, an outdoor pool - 12 days before Christmas!!!) and played in the park and took photos of the beautiful flowers that were blooming. I am no gardening expert, but I can certainly appreciate the amazingly rich variety of flowers and colours that make Peru even more attractive. I'll put up some pictures, and if you can identify the plants please comment!

Jodie left Peru on Wednesday to return to Aberdeen. I have enjoyed spending time with her and having another person to talk to about all the newness and differences that we've experienced lately. It will be cool to meet up with her when I return to the Granite City next September. Catriona and Rachel are leaving on the same day as I am, although we're going to different continents! We're all looking forward to seeing family and friends again. In our last staff prayer meeting on Monday we volunteers were presented with some gifts from the school as a thank you for our work in the past months. The people here are so kind, and I will miss working alongside them.

Now, it's after midnight. I haven't eaten since lunchtime. I think I'll make some porridge... Night night!

Jodie, me, Rachel at our English department farewell 'do'

Jodie and me when we went out to eat before Jodie left - Rachel straightened my hair for the occasion!

Enjoying the roundabout at Koricancha Camp

Pretty flowers at the camp - name?

Aren't these hedges so cool?! They're shapes!!!

Well...more pretty flowers! Name?

An exquisitely beautiful orange flower. Name?

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Tomorrow is the last day of school!

I can't believe I'm at this point already. Tomorrow is the last day of school - well, for the children, anyway. I will most likely have to be in a bit next week to help with end of year stuff. The summer holidays are almost here! And so is Christmas... It's just so odd!

Another odd thing is that today was a national holiday and a day off school! The day before the last day of school! It's been feeling like a Saturday, but I still have to go back into school tomorrow. I had a rehearsal with the choir and band this morning because we have our Christmas/end of year concert tomorrow evening. A lot of the kids didn't appear for the rehearsal, and as I predicted, it didn't start on time. Sometimes this lateness really annoys me, and it certainly did today, after I'd made an effort to come into school on a day off.

The choir here is not technically a class; it's more of a 'club' or activity, although the students do still receive a mark for it. I suppose I have such high standards after the brilliant choir director I had in high school and the great opportunities I've had then and since to be in good music groups. My patience has been put to the test here because there are differences in the outworking of the definition of 'choir' and 'learning music'. I want to expect much more from the students, but there is such a different approach to how they learn music and the purpose of their singing together. It is exasperating sometimes; I will just have to get used to it....

I will be playing the piano for some of the pieces tomorrow night, which I'm looking forward to. It has been a while since I've done that.

It's less than two weeks till I go to the States for Christmas!!!! I can't wait!!!! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Photos from Saturday

Here are the photos I wanted to post from Saturday's activities - the trip to the centre of Lima and MC's baby shower. Enjoy!

La Plaza de Armas

Peru's goverment buildings behind me
La Plaza de San Martin

Outside a really posh and expensive hotel. I don't really look like I belong in there...
The lovely ladies at MC's baby shower
Erick and MC opening their gifts
With Diana at the baby shower

Sunday, 4 December 2011

December in Lima: Let it shine!

While all my family and friends are having to wrap up warmly these cold December days, I am enjoying the heat and sun of Peru! Ha ha ha. Yesterday (Saturday) was especially hot, and I had a great morning with Diana in the centre of Lima. She took me to some market places where things are really cheap, and I bought some Christmas presents. Then we walked through the old historical part of the city before getting a bus home. We went to the Plaza de Armas, where there are the cathedral and government buildings, and then through the Plaza de San Martin, where there are other important buildings and a statue to Peru's liberator San Martin. I'd like to return in the next couple of weeks and do a little more exploring because we didn't have time on Saturday to go into the cathedral or spend much time in the beautiful surroundings. It's all quite European-looking - I suppose that's because of the influence of the Spanish conquerors. It all looked great in the bright sunshine and a lot nicer than the dingy crowded markets I'd just come from... The markets were crazy! People everywhere! And the most random things being sold left, right and centre! I don't know how to describe it... There were lots of floors full of tiny stalls and tiny shops packed full of goods to be sold, people squeezing through asking about prices (most stuff didn't have a price written on it), so much noise and heat. Aaaaaah!!! It's quite an experience and definitely what one imagines a far-away poor country's city market to be like. If it weren't such a stupid idea to take out a nice digital camera in there, I'd have taken some photos for you. But I am not up for someone nicking my camera.

In the evening we invaded the Baileys' home for a surprise baby shower for MC. We just had a small group of ladies from the school - mostly English department or primary teachers. MC didn't suspect a thing, and she was very pleasantly surprised! She and Erick got lots of lovely things in neutral colours. There was great banter and lots of good food. What a happy combination!

*There has been a problem uploading photos tonight. I'll try to add some in the next day or two.