I am only 4 days short of completing my first spell in Peru. It's hard to believe it's here already, and that's partly because the weather is so hot and un-December-like. But the time has also gone quite slowly, and I'm very ready to go home for Christmas. I'll have about 4 weeks to enjoy an English-speaking environment (albeit American English...oh well...can't have everything, can we?!) and all the wonderful things about being in my house with my family and piano and familiar food. :-)
The students have not had classes this week, although some of them have been in for various prize givings and meetings and resit exams. Since I am not a teacher, I don't have all the paperwork that the others have to complete; but I've been given some odd jobs to do in the past few days. Today I was sneezing my way through the English library books, arranging and making a catalogue of all the copies.
I've also been getting lots of Christmas shopping done. In one way, it's quite easy this year because everyone is just getting something Peruvian! But I still manage to hum and haw over every little thing and do the typically Scottish 'well, I'll think about it' response to the incessant advances of the eager shopkeepers. There are so many lovely things that I would love to bring to people, but I need to keep my space and weight limits in mind. I saw a massive toy llama with real fur in one little shop this afternoon...it's SO soft...beautiful! But it would've cost a lot of money. And taken up a seat of its own on the plane. Oh well.
Last Friday and last night the choir performed some Christmas pieces - at school and then in Larcomar (the really nice and posh place with shops and food court by the coast). There is so much stress in trying to get the group all organised and sounding nice, especially in a culture where organisation and time-keeping are not priorities. I do all the panicking for the whole group. :-) I won't say any more about it...
On Tuesday Rachel and I joined the 5th year trip to a camp place, just for the day. We sat by the pool and attempted a safe and mosquito-repelling sunbathe. Hmm. It didn't work. I'm still bright white. We went in the pool (yes, an outdoor pool - 12 days before Christmas!!!) and played in the park and took photos of the beautiful flowers that were blooming. I am no gardening expert, but I can certainly appreciate the amazingly rich variety of flowers and colours that make Peru even more attractive. I'll put up some pictures, and if you can identify the plants please comment!
Jodie left Peru on Wednesday to return to Aberdeen. I have enjoyed spending time with her and having another person to talk to about all the newness and differences that we've experienced lately. It will be cool to meet up with her when I return to the Granite City next September. Catriona and Rachel are leaving on the same day as I am, although we're going to different continents! We're all looking forward to seeing family and friends again. In our last staff prayer meeting on Monday we volunteers were presented with some gifts from the school as a thank you for our work in the past months. The people here are so kind, and I will miss working alongside them.
Now, it's after midnight. I haven't eaten since lunchtime. I think I'll make some porridge... Night night!
Jodie, me, Rachel at our English department farewell 'do' |
Jodie and me when we went out to eat before Jodie left - Rachel straightened my hair for the occasion! |
Enjoying the roundabout at Koricancha Camp |
Pretty flowers at the camp - name? |
Aren't these hedges so cool?! They're shapes!!! |
Well...more pretty flowers! Name? |
An exquisitely beautiful orange flower. Name? |