Thursday, 8 December 2011

Tomorrow is the last day of school!

I can't believe I'm at this point already. Tomorrow is the last day of school - well, for the children, anyway. I will most likely have to be in a bit next week to help with end of year stuff. The summer holidays are almost here! And so is Christmas... It's just so odd!

Another odd thing is that today was a national holiday and a day off school! The day before the last day of school! It's been feeling like a Saturday, but I still have to go back into school tomorrow. I had a rehearsal with the choir and band this morning because we have our Christmas/end of year concert tomorrow evening. A lot of the kids didn't appear for the rehearsal, and as I predicted, it didn't start on time. Sometimes this lateness really annoys me, and it certainly did today, after I'd made an effort to come into school on a day off.

The choir here is not technically a class; it's more of a 'club' or activity, although the students do still receive a mark for it. I suppose I have such high standards after the brilliant choir director I had in high school and the great opportunities I've had then and since to be in good music groups. My patience has been put to the test here because there are differences in the outworking of the definition of 'choir' and 'learning music'. I want to expect much more from the students, but there is such a different approach to how they learn music and the purpose of their singing together. It is exasperating sometimes; I will just have to get used to it....

I will be playing the piano for some of the pieces tomorrow night, which I'm looking forward to. It has been a while since I've done that.

It's less than two weeks till I go to the States for Christmas!!!! I can't wait!!!! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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