Sunday, 4 December 2011

December in Lima: Let it shine!

While all my family and friends are having to wrap up warmly these cold December days, I am enjoying the heat and sun of Peru! Ha ha ha. Yesterday (Saturday) was especially hot, and I had a great morning with Diana in the centre of Lima. She took me to some market places where things are really cheap, and I bought some Christmas presents. Then we walked through the old historical part of the city before getting a bus home. We went to the Plaza de Armas, where there are the cathedral and government buildings, and then through the Plaza de San Martin, where there are other important buildings and a statue to Peru's liberator San Martin. I'd like to return in the next couple of weeks and do a little more exploring because we didn't have time on Saturday to go into the cathedral or spend much time in the beautiful surroundings. It's all quite European-looking - I suppose that's because of the influence of the Spanish conquerors. It all looked great in the bright sunshine and a lot nicer than the dingy crowded markets I'd just come from... The markets were crazy! People everywhere! And the most random things being sold left, right and centre! I don't know how to describe it... There were lots of floors full of tiny stalls and tiny shops packed full of goods to be sold, people squeezing through asking about prices (most stuff didn't have a price written on it), so much noise and heat. Aaaaaah!!! It's quite an experience and definitely what one imagines a far-away poor country's city market to be like. If it weren't such a stupid idea to take out a nice digital camera in there, I'd have taken some photos for you. But I am not up for someone nicking my camera.

In the evening we invaded the Baileys' home for a surprise baby shower for MC. We just had a small group of ladies from the school - mostly English department or primary teachers. MC didn't suspect a thing, and she was very pleasantly surprised! She and Erick got lots of lovely things in neutral colours. There was great banter and lots of good food. What a happy combination!

*There has been a problem uploading photos tonight. I'll try to add some in the next day or two.

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